You can access all my work at NPR here.

Below are some of my favorite audio and text stories that I’ve gotten to do — stories that brought me to fascinating corners of the world, into unexpected encounters, and taught me something new.

Dream Boy and the Poison Fans. What happens when fans take their obsessions just a little too far - a dizzying look into the Chinese internet and reporting culture

Slackers@Work: A Song for the Exhausted. In a culture where working to the point of exhaustion is worn as a badge of pride, many young Chinese workers seek an outlet for their growing feelings around the hopelessness of work.

The original sin of Li Jiabao. A Chinese university student commits his first act of dissent and hopes democratic Taiwan will accept him. They don’t.

Uyghur kids recall physical and mental torment at Chinese boarding schools in Xinjiang

How Taiwan used women's voices to send secret messages into China and woo defectors - an audio history of cross straits tensions and competing narratives

One of Taiwan's biggest pop stars sings in an Indigenous language

Taiwan alters its approach to identity and education of its Indigenous inhabitants — after decades of enforcing Mandarin only education, Taiwan is trying to preserve Austronesian languages

After decades focused on the Middle East, the U.S. military shifts to the Pacific — in which I take my first helicopter ride

White Paper protest” demonstrators explain why they came out and demonstrated in China. Some say they did it to protest against COVID controls, others for more abstract political ideals.

Chinese families navigate a maze of laws and COVID rules to have babies in the U.S. — a secret world of surrogacy and citizenship

A public payphone in China began ringing and ringing. Who was calling? How a local community harnessed a public phone hundreds of miles away to petition, amid tightening censorship

As Ukraine's war grinds on, soldiers are outgunned and injuries are rising. Profiles of the frontlines soldiers who survived a brutal assault in eastern Ukraine under Russian fire.

Ukrainian villagers flee Russian-occupied Kherson on foot, bike and wheelchair

China's Former 1-Child Policy Continues To Haunt Families. The story of a village and a mother brutalized under the One Child Policy — and how that trauma passes through the generations.

The life of Feng Daoyou, born in China, murdered in Atlanta. She came to the US with hopes of supporting her family in China. We tracked down that family in Fujian province, China.

He Tried To Organize Workers In China's Gig Economy. Now He Faces 5 Years In Jail. Venturing to the remote village of a formidable Chinese labor organizer to learn why authorities would detain him.

How China's Massive Corruption Crackdown Snares Entrepreneurs Across The Country. “Strike the black and sweep away evil,” say Chinese leaders. Entrepreneurs say the campaign is being used to destroy anyone with too much influence and act on personal grudges.

Dear Dr. Li: Chinese Netizens Confess To The Late Coronavirus Whistleblower. A year on, mourners leave confessional, heartrending notes for the doctor who died of Covid.

Residents Protest As China Demolishes Some Of Beijing's Wealthy Suburbs. Smuggled in a Tesla into an enclave of villas Beijing wants to demolish - the latest sign of rising dissatisfaction with China's government from unexpected sources.

Wuhan's Lockdown Memories 1 Year Later: Pride, Anger, Deep Pain. Subaltern voices from the Chinese city.

China Targets Muslim Scholars And Writers With Increasingly Harsh Restrictions. Alternate worlds in China with their own channels of knowledge sharing the government wants to shut down.

Uighur Family Spends More Than A Year Imprisoned In Own Home In China I try to visit a Uyghur family whose patriarch escaped to Belgium. Police quickly found me.

'We Are Shipping To The U.S.': Inside China's Online Synthetic Drug Networksmy months-long investigation tracking down fentanyl precursor sellers, their elaborate front networks, and an unlikely drug dealer.

First Chinese-Language Production Of 'A Raisin In The Sun' Is Staged In Beijing. A famous Chinese playwright, a famous African-American play, and the use of… blackface on Chinese actors.

In Rural China, Villagers Say They're Forced From Farm Homes To High-Rises. One village’s experienced with forced urbanization and pitched battle against corruption.

Roads Become Rivers: Nearly 4 Million Chinese Evacuated Or Displaced From Flooding. One of more and more flood stories we did over the years - this one on a village stuck in time caught in the floodwaters.

Hong Kong Residents Reflect On The Future On Anniversary Of End Of British Ruleyoung Hong Kongers born on the cusp of handover to Chinese rule and what it means for their futures

Wuhan Residents Share Their Stories Of A Quarantine In The Sealed-Off City — in which we track down one of the first humans to be diagnosed with Covid-19 in the world.

The New Rules For Mourners In Wuhan Have Angered Many Residents

Chinese writers borrow from Western classics to illustrate life in the age of COVID

Migrant workers in China find new jobs — and precarious conditions — in COVID control

Chinese Universities Are Enshrining Communist Party Control In Their Charters

Hong Kong's 'Indigenous' Villages Mirror Tensions Of An Increasingly Divided City
Illegal Superstition': China Jails Muslims For Practicing Islam, Relatives Say

'Afraid We Will Become The Next Xinjiang': China's Hui Muslims Face Crackdown

China is removing domes from mosques as part of a push to make them more 'Chinese' - reported from Qinghai and an exploration of what we mean by what gets to be considered truly “Chinese”

China is a Paralympics star, but its people with disabilities face high hurdles

Why the Chinese government wants more feel-good stories posted online

A small lineage of artisans is reviving the ancient art of pigeon whistles in Beijing - part of a sound postcard story I did, an audio love letter to my beloved city of Beijing

Beijing's Subway System Offers History At Each Stop, Both Above And Below Ground - part of a sound postcard story I did, an audio love letter to my beloved city of Beijing

Afghan Uyghurs whose families fled China now fear the Taliban could deport them - I was one of the first to report on the travails of the historic Uyghur communities who braved ancient pilgrimage routes to escape China for Afghanistan decades ago.

How China's Communist Party Schools Train Generations Of Loyal Members - the surprisingly spiritual ideological training at today’s seats of Communist Party higher learning

How Did China Become The World's Dominant Polysilicon Producer? — an investigation

Hong Kong Man Recounts His Desperate Bids For Freedom After Beijing Passed Tough Law a story that stuck with me so much, it is now part of my upcoming book